Story of the Annoying Uncle and the Corrupted Security Guard.
For those who have yet to hear the story...
One fine Saturday late afternoon, the girls team was innocently having training at mpsh2. Happened that on this one fine Saturday, we decided to change our training from the morning slot to an evening slot.
Facts involved:
- the opening hrs for the table tennis facilities is till 7pm
- we gonna train from 4~7
- see if we can push our luck and train till 730.
Chp 1. Corrupted Security Guard.
Soooo, I went to talk to the security fellow to ask if he is kind enuff to let us use until 730. But the gross man hinted that i'll have to pay him. He was like "Cannot.. I am going home already, why should I stay behind.. What reason will make you stay behind if you can go home now?" *gives the do you understand the meaning behind the words look*
After he realise that he isnt gonna get any $$ out of me.. He just kept emphasizing that I am so gonna screw things up. WTH. I just stare at him and told him " YES I KNOW ".
Chp 2. Then comes the Weird Grumpy Uncle (WGU)
7 o'clock came and we were still halfway thru the game. WGU came along with no uniform, no identification, nv say where is he from also... started to off all the lights.
And everybody just suddenly " AYE! where is the ball" hahahaha.
Cannot see got people meh! crazy man. just tell us la.
Anyway at his request, we packed up.. and he keep complaining say we very slow very slow.. purposely one. Can faster or not.
Ello Uncle, need to pick ball one what. The balls were all over the floor.. under the table.. need to keep them in the locker.. What you expect? Run and pick ball at the same time ar.
Then WGU got into big quarrel with coach. Volume got louder and louder. WGU then couldnt multi task between raising his volume and thinking before he speak. Started to talk before his brain could process the contents. I tried to explain.. tell him we're from the school team so we're authorized to use certain equipments he claimed he couldnt touch. Once i said i'm from the school team he asked " WHO SAY?" I was like HUH??? I am?!
He realised he was said something quite dumb and turned to quarrel with coach again.
RIDICULOUS MAN. god damn ridiculous.
Spoilt my day. But i'm glad we spoilt his too.
*story too long to write all the ridiculous stuff these people said. soooooo pissed off.
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