Christchurch ==> dunedin
Some sea we saw along the wayNew Zealand is seriously underpopulated. Look.. there is NOBODY on the streets!
I think this is a very heartwarming scene. Mum pushing baby on pram, grandma pushing grandpa on wheelchair. The love for a child, the love for a man.
Thanks to Aik Khoon we reached Dunedin on time. Grabbed some bread and off to the wildlife tour. They gave us a binoculars to spot some special birds! Highlight was to spot the Albatross, a big bird with a wingspan up to 3m!
Otago Peninsula
Thats the albatross! It looks like a normal bird because it is so far away. But when i was looking through my binoculars it was like "Oh my god! There is a huge bird flying towards me!!"Me and Aik Khoon.
Do you see a tiny white speck in the water, somewhere near the rocks? Thats 2 seals playing! Was so excited when I saw that. The only time I see seals are in a zoo... Havent seen wild ones before.
After the Albatross, we went on to another place to look at penguins, seals and sealions in their natural habitats.
Look at the picture. Sun shining, sight blurry and 2 white horses. Perfect time for my Prince Charming to appear!
The larger horse looks too scrawny. Grass here isnt packed with too much nutrients I can see. This pony looks like it will grow up to be a good looking horse though. Putting a good looking rider up there will make the picture perfect.
Prince Charming's Perferred Mode of Transport.
Had to climb down this steep hill to see the seals and up again, cross over to another hill and climb down to see the penguins. Lots of climbing. Thats physical fitness training!
Yellow Eyed Penguins! Looks small but thats as far as my camera zoom can go. Heard they are really shy creatures. Oh... That sounds like me!
Amazing how close we can get to them. A dead seal pup. Suspected to be the doings of a sealion... probably being dragged up by one but not eaten. Poor thing!! I feel so sad for it.
Nice scenery. Again, my camera cant capture the colours of the sky. There was a pinkish and purplish hue. Lots of birds on the beach... Thousands of them!
Went back to our backpackers after the penguin sightings. Everybody was soooooo hungry. 1 piece of bread isnt enough for battle the cold winds and conquer 2 hills. Had instant pasta that night.. was the WORST pasta I have ever eaten. Really, I can make better ones. Dont buy instant canned pasta. Ever.
Aik Khoon very pleased with her nachos. It was pretty yummy!
The heater! My best friend. Tiny as it may be, kept us warm throughout the night.
That night we went to explore the town as usual.
Abhay and James had beer.
The rest settled for some nice and warm hot chocolate. Was fairly pleased with it until we remembered we each had 1.5 glasses of chocolate milk in the morning. Haha.. Anyway I still think I like hot chocolates!
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