Still in Budapest.
Drove off to Puszta, some little place off the city area. Arranged for a Hungarian cowboy show. Got up the carriage and the horses took us on a little tour. Owner of this place is probably a fellow victim of "maths and anything associated with numbers dont like you" syndrome. These 2 poor horses had to carry like dunno how many of us. The other carriage has 4 horses with only maybe 6 passengers.
These people are inexperienced with tourists. They just suddenly started doing their stunts before we knew what was going on. First up, they led this very goodlooking white horse out. Very white! Supposed to be their best horse around. Just when we were whoo-ing and Ar-ing.. the horse walked back to the stable before doing anything. It was like "huh? thats all ar"
The horseshow.
A donkey! looks cute.
Daddy participated in the "whip the bottle over" game and he won a bottle of wine!
The prize.
The Dinner place.
We had this flaming apple dessert! Not too sure what is it actually.
Espresso. Pretty good! came with the dinner. But i dont want to stay up all night so i only had 2 pathetic teaspoons of it. Haha..
Next day was a travelling day. Drove past Slovakia again to get to Poland, Krakow. Tatra Mountains, Slovakia.
Cold place.. who would think summer here is like 11 degrees. Supposed to be a ski resort in the winter. Had our lunch stop here.
My aunt
Excuse me Mr Strawman, that bag looks kind of familiar.. you sure that's yours... ? Doesnt seem to go with your outfit.
Menu with alot of words. Multiple languages. Never seen a menu with more words than this. Hard time trying to spot the english description amongst all that German, Polish and what not.
Onion soup. Yum! But salt is cheap.. if not free over at eastern europe. Everything is salty.
Another photo stop. The Oravsky Hrad Castle.
After that is travelling travelling and more travelling till we got to Krakow, Poland.