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~MiSs CyniCal~

Friday, October 23, 2009

SICK. stomach flu?
stomachache + diarrhoea + nausea + headache ........
how come after so many days of diarrhoea i dont lose any weight?

going OBS in this state is BAD.
wondering how did the OBS go... lsl updates please?

Anyway, i just found a perfect walking definition for
immaturity + selfishness

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I want to try solo travelling but my dad thinks the world is very dangerous place!


If only auckland wasnt 12 hrs and $1000 away.

but given limited no of leaves and not so much money to play around with... think macau will be the furthest i can go.

Calling for travelling buddies.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Somehow, meeting up with SEC makes me feel like some kind of public holiday is coming up. i dont know why. hahaha. Although i see almost half the gang at work everyday, it still feels different when we are meeting outside with the rest of the clique. Feels like school. Feels like SEC! hearts.

The Carparks people

The LTA people
The unclassified.
some pictures shd only be viewed by the privileged few....

hahaha.. resolution damn bad. Me good friend hor? never put on facebook leh.

Went off to 提灯笼 after that at East Coast park!
Lydia had the first lighted lantern for the night :)

Arthur had the first sparkling lantern! Quite creative... not bad SP.
awwww.... sweet daooo.....
Playing with candles, like little kids.
And we all tried so hard to be harry potter. Wield those magic wands darlings.

And we really tried very hard.Happy Birthday to the October babies!
*and it was black forest cake.
A dream is a wish your heart makes.... Their attempt at writing OCT. almost there. not bad. Under the company of scrambling ka chuas and one big rat, we stayed on to play pictionary and hang man, iPhone version (we are so intellectual). Didnt even realise it was gonna be past 12. TGIF.
Happy Mid Autumn. :)