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~MiSs CyniCal~

Monday, January 25, 2010

Adam Lambert - Mad World [HQ] - Lyrics

New addiction.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Of whales, sun, lizards and mad women.

Friday 8/1/10:

All thanks to Rexy's extremely merticulous planning, SEC was on our way to Port Dickson for a well deserved break after working so hard in 2009.

The old school railway station really did fasinate me and rekindled ZR's modelling memories. HAHA. Rexson the tour agency CEO/ tour leader . He even prepared the itinerary!Overnight train with bunks was a cultural shock.

Price: ***
Experience: ****
Cleanliness: *
Understanding the broadcast in the train: zero.

After being confined in the train for some time, LG cannot help but finally decided to show his inclination towards ZR. He wanted to hold ZR's hands but ZR was too shy to accept the offer. Please refer to picture below.

Txr the girlfriend went mad after finding out.

*or was it because she went mad so LG went for ZR instead.
Tired me and rong. Kpo fen and lewisAnd we got there after a super bumpy bus ride which was actually a bigger version of U-ZAP which targets the fat tissues of your entire body instead of just your waist and hips.

Bright and SUNNY! (emphasizing SUNNY is absolutely necessary)
The accomodations looking nice and pretty, overlooking calming waters and rock structures.... But we werent staying there.We went red-indian style. Tepees for you.入乡随俗. Red indians rode horses and so we rode horses.And we were back to bows and arrows.
NANA ONG trying to look all instructor-like for the purpose of the photo.
In between there was paintball, go-kart lots of aimless walking, dining at the same restuarant 2 times over, singing out loud to other company's KTV session because they really suck and we saw the need to help them put, drinking at lewis' room with the rule that the 2 ppl sitting beside the person who wins have to drink... and cyr kept winning = me and fen very innocently had to drink.

After drinking, the girls went mad at Li 先生音乐教室。

more unglam photos but you dont have to see them. Of course how can I forget the midnight pre-bed time singing class. me ish ke lian! But I still love you all la.
Next trip please. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

I am absolutely convinced that CDC doesnt want me to complete my course at all and have no intentions for me to get my licence without ever renewing my PDL.

Stayed up to 12am and i cant log into the stupid webpage after attempting for more than 20 mins. Sleep is how precious to an office worker can??

And i know tmr when I open the page, i'll be greeted by rows of "0" telling me all the slots have been booked and frustrates the hell out of me. Brilliant.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Childhood. I loved this song! though i remember nothing abt the cartoon.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

NY Resolution 3: Plot an escape route which makes financial sense.

Today I read an article which says something like if you've decided not to make any job change, your alarm rings tmr morning, your feet hits the floor and you know you still have 9 years on the job, how do you feel?

My ans: OMG, I have infinite years.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Due to prolonged inactivity and lack of events in my life, have decided to post some pictures from last year.

My kitty lanyard which I adore!

The humongous ka chua in my workstation. The artists behind it are pretty good i'll say because the kachua looks REAL! EEK.
31 DEc 09- my very smart kaki managed to find her way around my very haphazard unit! She and her ai xin chicken crackers. HAHA. Thanks kaki. I love you!

Working afternoon shift is not so fun. You come to office and everybody is like "bye bye bye bye bye bye....." Booooo!
Anyway now that it is 2010, it is time to make new yr resolutions!
Resolution 1: I will keep fit!!
Thus, I went jogging this evening! But talk abt healthy lifestyle.. the year have barely started and i've had ice cream, potato chips, wine and other sinful indulgences. Nevermind will still work towards my new yr resolution. :)

Resolution 2: Get my license!
Resolution 3: Pending. haha.