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~MiSs CyniCal~

Monday, November 29, 2010

Has there been a time when there is just one word in your vocabulary bank that so fully captures what you want to express?

Word of the day is : Exasperated.
Even when I wasnt so sure of what it really meant when this word was all over my head, feels like it can summarize my entire afternoon.

Put it in a thousand words and you get this.............

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ah Ma's Birthday

Early celebration for Ah Ma's Birthday!

It was at Jumbo, Waterfront.
Pretty sunset. I want to live by the waterfront too.

Prawns are the yummiest thing.

The good looking couple.

Grandma and brother

Happy Birthday!

She seems happy, which is all that matters. :)
So cute! haha.

The is the only the start of many more november treats to come.....