Day 4 - Wanaka
Stayed at Wanaka Backpakas at Wanaka. Wanaka is a very small town and there was nothing much to explore the night we got there. I liked most of the backpackers we stayed over the week in South Island. We changed accomodation every night!!
Where we slept.
Had dinner at the benches. We ended up with too much food and decided to feed the cat. The cat was really shy! It will come stealthily (as if we cant see it is coming), stole the food and ran away ery fast!! I put the food on my hand and it still came to get it off my hand. But when i tried to touch it, it ran away.
Where we ate. A peek at Lake Wanaka.
We decided to go tramping in the morning. I searched up for the meaning of tramping. It means a long and tiring journey on foot. INDEED! what a brillant definition
Initially, the road was flat and easy. Air was cold and we were all stacked up in our winter coats. Quite a number of people were there for morning walks too and we wonder how come they are all in shorts and t-shirts. They stared at us too.And the road got steep after some time... And never got flat again! Slope climbing all the way.
We were told that we'll get an awesome view of Lake Wanaka and Lake Hawae when we get up there. But we climbed and climbed and thats all we see along the way.. No water bodies in sight. Got stressed.. too much effort and energy is at stake. Very scared we'll see only a small puddle of water when we get up there.
When we finally got up there. Argg.. Not too bad. We were expecting something really really awesome though.
we spotted this little platform and everybody had to do a different pose on it. I tried to make it look yoga like. But it doesnt look quite right. Is it the shoes?
I don't know what is this. The guys directed this pose.
They're not going to get away asking us to do something on the tiny platform and they themselves not doing anything.
On the way down, the boys saw sheeps and wanted to catch one.
And so they ran up the hill to surround the sheeps.
The sheeps ran away too.
Next up, Puzzling World! The name speaks for itself. It is an optical illusion kind of place.
Spot me!
The clock goes the other way. Where clockwise is anti clockwise
The roman toilet. Haha.
Solving some puzzles. Cant solve any!! And we looked like old folks in a old folks home doing puzzles. Haha.
Water running UPHILL
A normal looking room
And then I shrank!
And I grew again!
All the optical illusions gave me a headache. Literally. As if thats not enough, there is the MAZE. We were supposed to go to 4 different corners before we can go to the finishing point. So we split into groups and got lost!
After the yellow corner, WE GOT LOST! Stuck in the maze for a super long time. Cant get to the last corner. We thought of climbing the fence but they put a sigh saying "climbing is cheating" ROARRRR.
Lost Look. Haha.. I think we nailed it!
The stupid green corner